If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel this can help. 

If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by calling John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email specifying "Prayer Chain".

If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate. 


All information is considered private to those who take part in the prayers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God still knows who you mean! 


If you would like private prayer with a minister, you can request this and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is unavailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list. 


"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. “ -Philippians 4: 6

John Wittgreffe, Elder