Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God. When choosing to have your child baptised you make a promise that you will teach them that God loves them and help them to follow the example of Jesus. Jesus himself was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist, you can read about this in the book of Matthew Chapter 3 Verses 13-17 in the Bible.
What is the difference between a baptism and a christening?
There is none, christening is a nickname for baptism.
I would like to have my child baptised, who should I contact?
Canon Andrew Dotchin would love to hear from you either by telephone 07814 949828 or Send Email
When will my child’s baptism take place?
The baptism can either take place during a normal Sunday service at 10am or at 12.00noon. The advantage of the 10.00am service is that the congregation can welcome your child into our church family. Baptisms are saved for the 2nd and 5th Sundays of the month but these sometimes get booked up for a few months in advance.
If 10am is inconvenient or you need a particular Sunday it may be possible to have the service at 12.00pm on a Sunday which is mutually convenient. This would need to be discussed with Andrew Dotchin. You will then be invited back to the Church another Sunday for a simple welcome with the congregation.
Baptism is the joining of your child to our church family and the welcome is an important part of this as the church promise to support and pray for you and your child.
How do I prepare for the baptism?
The minister who will be taking your service will come and introduce themselves, explain the service pattern and answer any questions you may have.
The baptism is an opportunity to invite your friends and family to witness this special occasion in your child’s life. Speak to Bob Theobald on 01473 620709 or email regarding hiring the church hall after the service to celebrate this exciting event. Fred Upson Hall, off Ropes Drive is also available for hire, please call Karen Pringle on 07737 968298 or email
Who should I choose to be Godparents?
You will need to choose individuals who will encourage your child to follow a spiritually fulfilling life and who will love and guide them as they grow up. Godparents need to have been baptised themselves and it is suggested that you should choose a minimum of three adults. If your child is a boy he should have at least two male godparents and one female and visa versa for girls.
What happens at the Baptism?
During the service, you and your chosen Godparents will be asked to stand and to repeat the words on the service sheet. You declare that you believe in God and will bring your child up to do so also and the sign of the cross is made on your child’s forehead.
The baptism itself takes place at our beautiful Victorian font which, made by Smyth of Woodbridge, dates back to 1850. It has a wooden cover which is used in memory of Frederick Bays who lived in Kesgrave and was a member of the All Saints Kesgrave congregation.
The minister will pour water into the font and bless it. Next the minister will take your child, or have them stand on a chair depending on their age, and continue with the service explaining that they must not be ashamed to stand up for their faith as they are one of God’s children. Then a small amount of water is poured onto their head; the water is a sign of their new life with Christ.
The congregation welcomes your child by saying together “We welcome you” and the minister then takes the child for a walk around the church so that everyone gets to see this special person.
Later on in the service the parents and child are asked to come to the front to receive a lit candle to take home as a reminder of the light of Jesus that is now in your child’s life.
Can anyone be baptised at All Saints Church?
Everyone has the right to be baptised in the parish in which they live, however with negotiation it may be possible to have your child baptised at All Saints Church even if you do not live in the parish.
Both children and adults can be baptised. For adult baptism advice speak to Rev Sarah Quantrill.
How much does it cost?
The baptism is free of charge even if it takes place outside the normal Sunday service. There is an opportunity to contribute to the church as a thank you to God either during the collection in the normal Sunday service or at a 12.00pm service a collection plate is placed by the door as you leave.